Childless Women Are Too Busy

Childless Women Are Too Busy

BonnieRuth had an incredible chat with Sheri from Awaken Worth Podcast. The conversation centered around how we as women often judge ourselves and others with how busy we are. Comparing the plates we juggle whether we have kids or not, whether we are married or single.... When really why do we feel the need to be busy.... Are we self aware, are we hiding, are we avoiding, are we scared, are we insecure...? What is our busy centered around and how do we live balanced healthy lives as women while championing each other instead of tearing each other down. 

You will love Sheri!! BR always walks away from conversations with Sheri feeling inspired towards growth, challenged to engage and encouraged for how far she has come. 

Sheri helps women who are childless not by choice, to awaken their worth in a world that makes
them feel inadequate. Her passion is inspiring these women to live full and joyful lives of meaning
instead of lack.
After 3 miscarriages and 6 years of infertility, Sheri's coaching background and spiritual training
led her to discover a process for navigating the grief, the triggers, the feelings of exclusion and the
lack of purpose and meaning.
She packaged up this process into a formula that she teaches in 1:1 coaching and in her group
experience. Women leave her programs feeling empowered with practices they'll come back to
for a lifetime.

Grief Does Not Define Us (Part 2)

Grief Does Not Define Us (Part 2)